Some Bits: Nelson's Linkblog aboutarchivemastodonfeed
Attacks on Trump jury
Fascists are doxxing jurors and threatening to kill them
2024-05-31 politics • trump • fascism • justice
Bobby McFerrin crowd game
Lovely demonstration of human's innate understanding of harmony
2024-05-31 music • harmony • pentatonic • mcferrin
General purpose tooling for taking data from cloud services like Goodreads or Healthkit and importing it into a private server using Datasette
2024-05-30 datasette • personaldata • backup • cloud • sqlite
Google search details
An analysis of leaked documents from Google search
2024-05-30 google • search • leak • seo
About the Google leak
Massive dump of internal Google documents about search ranking came out. Link here is to a contextual overview of how to understand the documents
2024-05-30 google • search • leak • seo
John Mark Dougan's fake news
The man behind all the fake news sites that have been popping up. A crooked US cop turned Russian propaganda agent
2024-05-30 politics • russia • propaganda • news • journalism
Charles Litton Sr.
One of the fathers of Silicon Valley, later moved manufacturing of electronics and glass to Grass Valley
2024-05-29 grassvalley • siliconvalley • engineering • glass • electronics • history • nevadacounty • litton
The Greenwich Time Lady
A family that made their living carrying correct time around London until the 1940s
2024-05-28 time • history • london • clocks • ntp • greenwich • hustle • timekeeping
computers - clown core
Ridiculous but fun music video
2024-05-26 via:homocore • music • clowns • clowncore • punk • metal
Legal Twitter
Long story of a community of lawyers on Twitter who ended up working together, then suing Twitter to recover unpaid wages. A reminder of what we lost when Musk destroyed Twitter.
2024-05-26 twitter • legal • history • legaltwitter • lawsuit • elonmusk
Memorial Day origins
Complicated Civil War history of the US holiday
2024-05-26 history • civilwar • memorialday • confederacy
US Governed by Six Hundred Thousand Despots
Remarkable find, a forgotten slave narrative from the 1850s.
2024-05-24 slavery • history • america • usa • civilrights
Whale phonology
Evidence of discrete linguistic utterances in whale communication
2024-05-23 via:metafilter • whales • linguistics • phonology
OpenAI voice actor
WashPo talks to the actress who did the Sky voice for OpenAI, says nowhere did they ask her to imitate Scarlett Johansson
2024-05-23 ai • openai • voice • actor • training
An accomplished Zuni cultural ambassador. They were lhamana, a traditional Zuni form of genderqueer
2024-05-22 zuni • genderqueer • lgbt • history • pueblo • twospirit
AI hype overload
Commentary on the response to iTerm2 adding some optional AI features
2024-05-22 iterm2 • ai • hype • backlash
CA power grid storage
Details of batteries and hydro and how they are interacting with solar power in California
2024-05-20 caiso • grid • powergrid • storage • batteries • hydro • electrify • globalwarming
Sutter Buttes park
Detailed article about the NorCal park / tiny mountain range that has no public access
2024-05-20 via:reddit • california • sutterbuttes • park • publicland
A file server that has lots of options and robustness for guerilla file sharing
2024-05-19 filesharing • lanparty • server • nas
Hackery to let new binaries run on old Linux systems. The docs directory has a bunch of interesting technical info on linker tricks
2024-05-19 via:lobsters • linux • compatibility • hack • pollyfill • glibc • libc
NO2 pollution from gas stoves
Detailed study on pollution exposure from fire in a cooktop
2024-05-19 cooking • pollution • via:hackernews • safety • asthma
Sotheby's failed NFT auction
Details of a problematic cultural event as Sotheby's tried to get in on cryptoscams
2024-05-19 cryptocurrency • nft • scam • sothebys • auction
Fastly supporting Python
5 year commitment to fund core Python community tools and conferences
2024-05-17 python • pypi • fastly • opensource • sponsorship
Supercharger firings
Meticulously detailed story of Musk firing an entire Tesla team on a whim, destroying a strategic unit and jeopardizing industry-wide partnerships
2024-05-15 elonmusk • demonmode • tesla • supercharger • evs • charging
Blanca review
Fine dining in New York that's aggressively chefy in an interesting and appealing way
2024-05-14 food • review • restaurant • blanca • finedining • blamey
Making Fury Road
2020 NYT article interviewing the cast and crew of the Mad Max movie
2024-05-13 movies • nytimes • madmax • filmmaking • namibia • georgemiller
Emoji history
Pushing back Emoji to 1988 and to earlier emoji-like things in computers to 1959
2024-05-13 emoji • history • unicode • writing • japan
Why US EV chargers suck
A political analysis of why the electric car infrastructure in the US is so bad
2024-05-13 evcharging • ev • cars • infrastructure • tesla • electrifyamerica • evgo
Citation Needed
A new experimental Chrome browser extension that lets you select a sentence from a web page, then use an LLM in the background to try to find a Wikipedia page that supports the assertion in the sentence.
2024-05-12 wikipedia • chrome • extension • llm • ai • via:hackernews
AdVon AI garbage
Formerly reputable publishers now including AI-written garbage reviews that generate affiliate revenue.
2024-05-08 ai • spam • seo • affiliate • scam • ads
A font designed for new readers with high legibility and a large character set
2024-05-08 accessibility • fonts • legibility
Furry Panic followup
A blog post about the guy in a fursuit hanging out in a public park that caused a ridiculous Satanic Panic news report
2024-05-06 furries • Sacramento • tolerance • parks • civilrights
Simple, cheap monitoring of websites
2024-05-06 monitoring • DevOps • uptime • web
Ruby HTML tag
A way to annotate text inline in HTML, mostly used for Asian pronunciation guide but more generally useful
2024-05-05 HTML • language • writing • pronunciation • html5 • furigana
Molly Signal fork
An Android client for Signal messaging with extra features. Including the ability to link to your main Signal account without that device being your primary phone number.
2024-05-04 signal • fork • Android • messaging
ʼPhags-pa script
A 13th century Mongolian writing system with pleasingly geometric glyphs
2024-05-04 writing • language • Mongolian • script • Chinese
Secret LLaMa
Run AI models in your web browser locally with WebGPU. Note: downloads 4GB of data to your browser!
2024-05-04 AI • LLM • chatbot • llama3 • via:hackernews • WebGPU
Sacramento Satanic Furry Panic
This would be funny if the culture wars weren't so dangerous
2024-05-03 furries • Sacramento • TV • news • panic • wicca • satanism
Qatar gay entrapment
Grindr date becomes an arrest in government harassment
2024-05-03 qatar • LGBT • via:Reddit • gayrights • police • grindr • harassment
A simple systems monitor, sends alerts if a URL isn't pinged often enough
2024-05-02 monitoring • DevOps • homelab • cron • sysadmin
Silver Crest Donut Shop
Profile of a 24 hour diner in an out-of-the-way neighborhood in San Francisco
2024-05-02 food • diner • sanfrancisco • America
Nevada County sheriff military equipment report
Example report from a small quiet county about using military equipment in local policing
2024-05-02 police • nevadacounty • California • military • politics
Tesla management problems
Absentee CEO returns and causes chaos
2024-05-01 Tesla • elonmusk • firings • layoffs • supercharger
Russian Wikipedia clone
Enter encyclopedia copied and edited to pro-Putin viewpoints
2024-05-01 Wikipedia • politics • russia • censorship • propaganda